# | Announcement | Attachment | Date |
1 | Advertisement for Project Staff Positions in Research Project sponsored by National Commission for women (NCW). |  | |
2 | Advertisement for Project Staff Positions in Collaborative Empirical Research Project sponsored by ICSSR. |  | |
3 | National Training Workshop on Strategies for Integrating and Analyzing Data and E-Resources in Social Science Research (3 to 7 February, 2025)
|  | |
4 | महिला सशक्तीकरण का समकालीन परिदृश्य और विकास योजनाओं की भूमिका : मुद्दे, अवसर एवं
चुनौतियाँ (फरवरी 19-20, 2025) |  | |
5 | National Seminar on Transforming Rural Livelihood Landscape in India: Challenges and Pathways (23-24 January 2025) |  | |
6 | समाज विज्ञानों में पाँच दिवसीय अनुसंधान अभिमुखीकरण कार्यक्रम (30 दिसम्बर 2024 से 03 जनवरी 2025) |  | |
7 | National Seminar on भारत में सार्वजनिक नीति के समसामयिक संदर्भ: चुनौतियाँ एवं संभावनाएँ
(18 & 19 December, 2024) |  | |
8 | National Seminar on Regional Issues of Tribal Development in India: Ground Realities, Policy Interventions and Desired Strategies (7 & 8 November, 2024) |  | |
9 | National Training Workshop on Bridging the Gaps: Integrating, Analysing Data and E-Resources in Social Science Research.
|  | |
10 | Ten Days Research Methodology Course for Research Scholars in Social Sciences
(July 13 to 22, 2024) |  | |
11 | समग्र एवं संधारणीय ग्रामीण विकास और उन्नत भारत अभियान: चुनौतियाँ, अवसर एवं सम्भावनाएं : (21 – 22 मार्च, 2024) |  | |
12 | National Training Workshop on Unlocking Research Potential: Navigating Data, E-Resources, and Contemporary Research Tools in Social Sciences – (12 to 16 February 2024) |  | |
13 | National Seminar on Contemporary Context of State Politics in India: Conundrums and Possibilities (22 & 23 February, 2024) |  | |
14 | Orientation Programme on Research Methodology in Social Science for Research Scholars. (29 January to 2 February, 2024) |  | |
15 | Two Weeks Capacity Building Programme for Social Science Faculty Members.
(11 to 22 December, 2023) |  | |
16 | Advertisement for Project Staff Positions in Short–Term Empirical Research Project sponsored by ICSSR. |  | |
17 | Applications are invited for the National Training Workshop on the Application of Research Tools, Techniques and Use of E-Resources in Social Sciences |  | 9 to 13 October 2023 |
18 | Advertisement for Research Associate (ICSSR sponsored Major Research Project) |  | |
19 | Applications are invited for the Ten Days Research Methodology Course for Research Scholars in Social Sciences |  | July 18 to 27, 2023 |
20 | One Week Research Writing Training and Capacity Building Workshop for Ph.D. Scholars |  | 6 to 10 February 2023 |
21 | राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी भारतीय संघवाद का बदलता हुआ समकालीन सन्दर्भः चुनौतियाँ एवं सम्भावनाएँ |  | 10-11 नवम्बर 2022 |
22 | Orientation Programme on Research Methodology in Social Sciences (Hindi) |  | 17 to 21 October 2022 |
23 | Institutional ICSSR Doctoral Fellowship |  | 2022-23 |
24 | National Seminar on ‘Issues of Democracy and Governance in Elections at State and National Level in India |  | 28-29 July, 2022 |
25 | Training Course on Research Methodology for M.Phil./Ph.D./PDF Scholars in Social Sciences. |  | March 21 to 30, 2022 |
26 | National Seminar on Environmental Issues and Present Society: Challenges and Possibilities for its Preservation and Restoration |  | 21-22 December 2021 |
27 | Online Two Weeks Capacity Building Programme for Social Science Faculty Members. |  | 22 July to 4 August 2021 |
28 | Content Orientation Training Programme on Child Centric Disaster Risk Reduction |  | 17-19 March 2021 |
29 | National Webinar on ‘MGNREGA as Humanitarian Response: Policy Insights’ |  | 4 December, 2020 |
30 | Online Training Programme on Child Centric Disaster Risk Reduction. |  | 2-4 November 2020 |
31 | One Week Online Orientation Programme on Research Methodology. |  | 07 to 13 October, 2020 |
32 | National Webinar on ‘Safeguarding Wellbeing and Security of Young Children during COVID 19’ |  | 19 September 2020 |
33 | Online Training Programme on Child Centric Disaster Risk Reduction. |  | 09-11 September, 2020 |
34 | Special Call for Studies Focusing on Social Science Dimensions of Covid-19 Corona Virus Pandemic by ICSSR, New Delhi |  | 15 May 2020 |
35 | National Seminar on Environmental Issues and Present Society: Challenges and Possibilities for its Preservation and Restoration. |  | 30-31 March, 2020 |
36 | राष्ट्रीय सेेमिनार भारत में ं सामाजिक सुरक्षा की नीतियाँ एवं कार्यर्क्रक्रमः चुनुनौैतियाँ, अवसर एवं सम्भावनाएँ |  | February 5 & 6, 2020 |
37 | Training Course on Research Methodology in Social Sciences for Research Scholars |  | February 10 to 19, 2020 |
38 | Two Weeks Capacity Building Programme for Young Social Science Faculty Members. |  | 14 to 25 October, 2019 |
39 | National Seminar on Social Development of Vulnerable Groups: Issues and Challenges in Contemporary India. |  | 28 & 29 November, 2019 |
40 | Institutional ICSSR Doctoral Fellowship. |  | 2019-20 |
41 | Orientation Programme in Social Sciences for Women Research Scholars. |  | 22 to 26 July, 2019 |
42 | Research Writing Workshop for Ph.D. Scholars. |  | 5 to 9 March, 2019 |
43 | राष्ट्रीय सेमिनार “ग्रामीण अधोसंरचनात्मक विकास का परिदृश्य एवं जीवन की गुणवत्ता की स्थितिः उपलब्धियाँ, चुनौतियाँ एवं सम्भावनाएँ ! |  | 19-20, February 2019 |
44 | National Seminar on Status of Rural Poverty and Migration: Impact on Agriculture |  | 13-14 March 2019 |
45 | Two Weeks Capacity Building Programme for Young Social Science Faculty Members. |  | January 28-February 8, 2019 |
46 | National Training Workshop on the Application of Information Technology and Use of Library Resources in Social Science Research. |  | 17-20, December 2018 |
47 | National Seminar on ‘Locating Democracy and Governance in Political Communication in Contemporary India. |  | 10, 11 January 2019 |
48 | Training Course on Research Methodology in Social Sciences. |  | 04 – 13 Sept, 2018 |
49 | National Seminar on Regional Disparity in Contemporary India: Concerns for Development and Policy Interventions |  | 26-27 March, 2018 |
50 | Two Weeks Capacity Building Programme for Social Science Faculty Members. |  | 8 to 21 March, 2018 |
51 | National Seminar on Food Security and Rainfed Agriculture in India: Issues, Challenges and Prospects. |  | February 28 and March 1, 2018 |
52 | राष्ट्रीय सेमिनार : ग्रामीण महिला सशक्तिकरण एवं समावेशी विकास का भारतीय परिद्रश्य : चुनौतियां एवं संभावनाएं |  | 6-7 February, 2018 |
53 | Research Writing Workshop for SC/ST/OBC and Women Research Scholars. |  | 2-6 January, 2018 |
54 | राष्ट्रीय सेमिनार : ग्रामीण महिला सशक्तिकरण एवं समावेशी विकास का भारतीय परिद्रश्य : चुनौतियां एवं संभावनाएं |  | 6-7 February, 2018 |
55 | Orientation Programme in Social Sciences for SC/ST/OBC and Women Research Scholars. |  | 20 to 24 November, 2017 |
56 | National Seminar on Efficacy of Government Programmes on Socio-Economic and Political Inclusion of SC/ST/OBC and Economically Backward Sections. |  | 26-27, October, 2017 |
57 | Two Weeks Capacity Building Programme for Social Science Faculty Members. |  | 5-18, July, 2017 |
58 | Training Course on Research Methodology in Social Sciences. |  | 13-22, June, 2017 |
59 | राष्ट्रीय सेमीनार : ग्रामीण भारत का बदलता परिदृश्य एवं सरकारी कार्यक्रमः चुनौतियाँ, अवसर एवं सम्भावनाएँ |  | 15-16, March, 2017 |
60 | National Seminar on Agrarian Crisis in Rural India: Issues and Challenges |  | 14-15, February, 2017 |
61 | National Seminar on Climatic Change, Weather Variability and its Impact on Human Life: Challenges and Strategies in Contemporary India |  | 2-3, February, 2017 |
62 | Orientation Programme in Social Sciences for SC/ST/OBC and Women Research Scholars |  | 19 to 23 December, 2016 |