Professor Yatindra Singh Sisodia
Professor Yatindra Singh Sisodia is the Director at Madhya Pradesh Institute of Social Science Research (An ICSSR Institute), Ujjain (since 2013). His areas of interest are democracy, decentralised governance, electoral politics, tribal issues, and developmental issues.
He has authored/edited 22 books including ‘Political Communication in Contemporary India’ (edited with Pratip Chattopadhyaya) Routledge (2022). ‘Electoral Dynamics in the States of India’, (edited with Sandeep Shastri, Ashutosh Kumar) Routledge (2021); ‘Social Inclusion of Marginalised in India: State Policies and Challenges’ (edited with Tapas Kumar Dalapati), Rawat Publications, Jaipur (2021). ‘Strategies for Human Development and People’s Participation: Challenges and Prospects in Rural India’, PRIMUS, India, (2020); ‘How India Votes: A State by State Look’, (edited with Ashutosh Kumar) Orient BlackSwan, India, (2019); ‘Two Decades of Panchayat Raj in India: Experiences, Issues, Challenges and Opportunities’, Rawat Publications, Jaipur (2017); ‘Development and Discontent in Tribal India’, Rawat Publications, Jaipur (2015), wrote 5 monographs and published 98 research papers including many in refereed journals and reputed edited volumes. He has completed more than 51 research projects for Central Ministries; State Ministries; and organisations including ICSSR and Planning Commission. He is the Editor of the Madhya Pradesh Journal of Social Sciences (Peer-Reviewed & UGC-Care, Group-I) and Madhya Pradesh Samajik Vigyan Anushandhan Journal (Peer-Reviewed & UGC-Care, Group-I).
He has been conferred with Professor G. Ram Reddy Social Scientist Award (2017) for his substantial contribution to research in the area of panchayati raj and grassroots democracy. He was a Member of the Research Institutes Committee of Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi (2017-19). He was a member of the First Court, Dr. H.S. Gour Central University, Sagar (2013-2018). He was a Member of the Common Review Mission (CRM) for assessing the Fourteenth Finance Commission Grant’s Utilisation constituted by the Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Government of India (2017). He is also a Member of the Indian National Commission for Cooperation with UNESCO (INCCU) under the Sub-Commission on Social Sciences constituted by the Ministry of Education (2014-2019) & (2020-2024). He was a Member of the First Review Mission to look into the programmes of rural development and their performance constituted by the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India (2016). He is the State Coordinator (Madhya Pradesh) of Lokniti, CSDS, Delhi. He is also a Life Member of various institutes and organisations of national repute. He is on the editorial board of four refereed journals.
He has participated in more than 375 seminars, workshops, and conferences of national and international importance in India and abroad. He has also contributed to leading newspapers like The Hindu, The Indian Express, Hindustan Times, The Mint, Rashtriya Sahara, Naidunia, and Dainik Bhaskar. He has coordinated more than 80 seminars and workshops and particularly continuously coordinated training courses and capacity-building programmes on research methodology in social sciences for more than two decades. He is guiding research leading to Ph.D. Degree in Political Science from Vikram University, Ujjain, and 20 candidates have been awarded degrees. Also, supervised ICSSR-PDF conferred to 5 candidates. He has made academic visits to the USA under International Visitor’s Leadership Programme in 2010 and the UK in 2013 and also made academic visits to South Korea, Malaysia, Dubai, and Bangladesh.
Email: yatindrasingh.sisodia@gmail.com, yatindra15@yahoo.com